Embrace the Race: Persevering Through Challenging TimesЗагвар

Embrace the Race: Persevering Through Challenging Times

28-с 2 дахь өдөр


Betrayal in any relationship hurts, but it cuts especially deep when it is from family or someone who is close to us. Joseph seemed utterly unaware of his own brothers' hatred for him. He was oblivious to their envy and had no idea what was about to unfold. 

Sold into slavery, Joseph's long journey of hardship was only beginning. Joseph would continue to face accusation, mistreatment, and even imprisonment as God used these harsh circumstances to prepare him for the type of leadership mantle he would need to carry in the future. 

His brothers would have to carry the guilt of their sin for years, keeping their terrible actions hidden from their father and younger sibling, Benjamin. The damage to Joseph and his entire family would remain buried until years later when God forced their dark family secret to the surface. 

Daily Challenge:

How about you? Do you find yourself carrying the burdens of betrayal and pain from your past? God is a God of reconciliation, and he longs to bring healing and restoration into your life. Sometimes the journey to recovery seems long and hard, but God in his perfect timing can bring restoration.


Jesus, please give me the courage to forgive those who have betrayed or hurt me throughout my life. Soften my heart towards those who have harmed me and heal any wounds in my heart. 

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