My Hero: Healing From Wounds of a FatherЗагвар

My Hero: Healing From Wounds of a Father

16-с 13 дахь өдөр

Day 13 - God’s Requirement

I love writing this entry because this is one of the key points of our faith that makes it drastically different than all of the world’s religions. For me, it’s one of the key reasons I know the Bible is real because it’s a concept that goes against human nature.

We cannot meet God’s standard by righteous living because we all make mistakes and fall short. Because of that, God sent His Son to meet the standard for us. Jesus accomplished that so now we don’t have to. The bar has already been met we just have to believe in Him to accept it.

All the rest of the world’s religions tell us we have to earn our way in. Not so with God. He doesn’t have any expectations we can achieve on our own.

If you have been under a lot of stress trying to meet the demands your dad has placed on you, now is the time to take a deep breath. Release yourself from striving so hard to meet all of those demands. Allow yourself to rest in the fact that God doesn’t have such hard requirements.

Also, talk to your earthly father. They may not realize how much they are affecting you with it.

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