The Journey Of A Generous Business LeaderЗагвар

The Journey Of A Generous Business Leader

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The Journey of a Generous Business Leader - Part V

In this series, we’re discussing the five phases of becoming generous. The final phase is the “Generous” giver.

Stanley Tam, author of “God Owns My Business,” was a struggling business owner during the Great Depression. During one crisis, Stanley asked God to be his business partner. 

Stanley gave 51% of his business to God! Later, God asked him for the other 49%! 

Stanley’s act of obedience provided him a modest paycheck, but tremendous joy as 100% of the company profits funded over $140 million of evangelistic efforts.

2 Corinthians 9:6 teaches, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

The generous giver gives far beyond percentages of income. This group of people sow obediently and generously, knowing God owns everything.

Curious how you're doing in your generosity journey? Take our LEADING Assessment and find out. Click HERE for more details. 


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