Pursue Загвар


31-с 4 дахь өдөр

Pursue Mission


“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” -- Matthew 6:33 NLT


Jesus uses very direct and clear language about pursuing mission. He says to pursue the Kingdom of God and to live righteously as if it’s life’s highest priority. He also promises that our needs will be met when we do this.

Pursuing the Kingdom of God means seeking God’s authority being carried out in all areas of life. He has authority to lead us in every facet of our lives; at home, at school, with friends, on the court, field, pitch, track, mat, or in the pool.

To pursue living righteously means seeking to please God with our lives. How we conduct ourselves can be pleasing to God, but only if we are in a relationship with Him through Christ. Our behavior towards our family, friends, teammates, and opponents is pleasing to God when we honor Him and when we are loving towards others.

The wonderful promise of this verse is that our pursuit of living in God’s authority and living in a way that pleases Him, has a reward that fulfills our needs. We can find great comfort and security in Jesus’ promise.


  1. What do people around you pursue as their life’s highest priority?
  2. How would pursuing God’s authority as highest priority change your daily lifestyle?
  3. How could pleasing God with the way you live be your highest priority?


Acts 1:8; Luke 4:18; Acts 13:47


“Father, I will pursue Your authority in my life as the matter of highest priority. I will pursue righteous living as the matter of highest priority. I will trust You to fulfill my needs as I stay focused on these priorities. I pray, commit, and pursue in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.”

Roger Lipe

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