God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament JourneyЗагвар

God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament Journey

14-с 10 дахь өдөр


God is not just watching us. He is actively participating in our lives. In the patriarchal ages we see specific instances of God’s active involvement. Out of the innumerable instances, some of His dimensions of involvement are:

• Fellowship – The primary reason God created us. Before the fall, God walks and talks with Adam. Later we observe that Enoch (Gen 5:24), Noah, Job, and a few others enjoy close fellowship with God.

• Judgment – Much as it pains him, in His righteousness, he judges Adam and Eve, and subsequent perpetrators of evil. In his love he informs Noah of the flood, Abraham of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 9:29), and those he is close to before carrying out major acts of judgment. He even ensures that the righteous are saved.

• Prophecy – He appears and signals the future. Some instances are his covenant with Noah (Gen 6:13), his message to Rebekah that Jacob will rule Esau, dreams to Joseph, butler, baker, Pharaoh, Abimelech, etc.

• Blessing – He blesses Abraham, Sarah, Isaac (Gen 25:11), Jacob (Genesis 35:9), Joseph, Job, etc..

• Guidance - God appears to Abraham (Gen 17:1) several times to lead him in his journey of faith into the promised land. He gives detailed instructions to Noah on the ark construction and management. Job acknowledges his guidance.
God appears to Isaac and guides Jacob.

• New Birth – God opens and closes wombs; i.e., God opens Rebekah’s womb. He closes Rachel’s womb, but enables Leah to conceive (Gen 29:31). He opens Rachel’s womb (Gen 30:22).

• Loneliness – There are two cases in Genesis were the phrase “God is with ” is used – Joseph, and Ishmael (Gen 21:20) – Two young boys separated from their home.

• Distress - The angel of the Lord appears to Hagar when she thought Ishmael was going to die. (Genesis 21:17). God appears to Jacob when he runs away from Esau (Genesis 35:3).

• Protection -God protects Sarah’s purity (Genesis 20:3). He protects Jacob as he returns from Laban’s house.

• Striving - God is striving to bring us to him. The Lord wrestles with Jacob (Gen 32:28).

God is active today. What is our response?
Do we have faith and obedience like Abraham?
Right fundamentals like Jacob?
Purity, patience and perseverance like Joseph?
Carry the legacy like the patriarchs?


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God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament Journey

In the Old Testament times, God chose people (TOUCHPOINTS), interacting with them in innumerable ways. This, in the light of the New Testament (NT), brings deep perspectives on the Word. GOD’s TOUCHPOINTS has four parts, the first being Old Testament Summary, Patriarchal ages – covering key people and foundations. The sequel is GOD REVEALED – a New Testament Journey. Following the “additional reading” passages provided will take you through the entire bible in both series.


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