Rooted In His WordЗагвар

Rooted In His Word

30-с 7 дахь өдөр

The angel Gabriel came to Mary, who was a virgin, and told her that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her and she would conceive and bear a son. Furthermore, the angel told her that her relative Elizabeth, who was barren and past childbearing years, was six months pregnant. The angel then concluded his message with our verse for today: “For with God nothing will be impossible.”

How can this be? How is it that with God nothing will be impossible? The reason is that God is the source and origin of all things. He designed, created, and sustains all things. He is the one who determined in the first place what is possible and impossible. He is the one who determined that virgins and women past a certain age cannot bear children. It is up to Him to determine what can be done and what cannot be done on the earth.

Thus, with God, nothing is impossible. If He wants a virgin to bear a child, then a virgin will bear a child. If He wants an older woman to bear a child, then an older woman will bear a child. Since He is the source of the laws that govern possibility and impossibility, He can tweak the system whenever He wants in order to accomplish His purposes on the earth. That’s how Philip, for example, suddenly disappeared before the Ethiopian eunuch’s eyes and was transported by the Holy Spirit to a far-distant location (Acts 8:38-40). And that’s how Elisha could make an iron axe-head float on water (II Kings 6:5-7).

Since we are human beings that exist under God’s governance of what is possible and impossible, we rely upon the regular and orderly patterns of life that He ordinarily maintains. We all too easily forget that all these patterns are in His hands and He can change them in a moment if He desires. We all too easily forget Jesus’ words, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (Luke 18:27).

Today, you may find yourself in a calling from God that seems impossible to fulfill, or you may find yourself in a bad situation that seems impossible to resolve. Despite the difficulties, the barriers, and the impossibilities, don’t forget whom you serve.
Don’t forget that with the God you serve nothing will be impossible.


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Rooted In His Word

God’s Word transforms our lives—healing, guiding, and changing the way we live. When we need encouragement to begin the day, a reminder to keep us going, or the comfort only God can give, Rooted in His Word will keep you grounded in His Word. Rooted in His Word Daily Devotions give us helpful, everyday lessons so God’s Word will accomplish its purpose in our lives.
