Overflow In The Hard Paths Загвар

Overflow In The Hard Paths

7-с 5 дахь өдөр

Overflow In The Palace 

Joseph was brought to Pharaoh and accurately interpreted his dreams which reveal the coming of seven years of plenty followed by seven years of severe famine and drought. Joseph wisely, goes above and beyond what is asked of him and suggests a plan of action for Pharaoh to follow in order to deal with the coming famine. 

Pharaoh, being shrewd, picks Joseph to take charge of the plan of action described and makes him second in command instantly. Joseph literally goes from rags to riches overnight and Egypt begins to prepares for a future under Joseph’s leadership. His name is changed to Zaphenath Paneah, he is married to Asenath the daughter of an Egyptian priest and two sons are born to them during this time. Joseph’s years of waiting are paid back in the way God restores his life. He gives him a new family, a new home and a new level of leadership. The readiness in which Joseph took up the opportunities placed before him and the openness to starting his life over demonstrates a life that is directed by God.He named his sons Manasseh meaning “God has made me forget all my toil and all my father’s house” and Ephraim meaning “God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction” revealing just how central God was to his journey. 

Your breakthrough could be just around the corner or it could be a long ways down the road. Either way, victory is yours. You will see God work through the hard paths and bring good out of it. You will sense his presence during the long wait, see his victorious hand in your battles and experience sweet joy in seeing his  touch upon your life. In the meantime, trust him with every detail of your life- big and small, worry about nothing but pray about everything and cling onto hope at all costs.

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