Learning From the Old Testament Greats: Abraham – The Father of FaithЗагвар

Learning From the Old Testament Greats: Abraham – The Father of Faith

12-с 3 дахь өдөр

Day 3: Abraham and Melchizedek

Thoughts on the Passage

An army came and took captive the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and that included Lot and his family. When Abraham heard about this, he went with his servants and other men and rescued them. Abraham put his life on the line for Lot and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah - an incredible act of bravery. Abraham cannot defend himself if the invading army chooses to come back and attack Abraham and his friends later, but that does not deter Abraham from going to the rescue. 

This portion of Scripture is also important because it introduces us to the ruler of Salem – Melchizedek. 

Melchizedek is not only a ruler, but he is the priest of El-Elyon (God Most High). This is a special name of a Canaanite deity worshipped in the land. They recognized El-Elyon as the creator God, the God above all other gods. Melchizedek recognizes in Abraham a man who serves and worships this God. Abraham recognizes in Melchizedek a priest of God, the same God Abraham worships. They have different names for God, but they recognize that they serve the same God. How do they do this? I do not know. Abraham recognizes it though. 

In explaining to the king of Sodom why he will not receive any spoil from the battle, he says he made a promise to the LORD God Most High (this is his name for God (LORD) and the name given by Melchizedek (God Most High)). Abraham recognizes Melchizedek as priest and gives a tithe of the spoil to him. This concept of tithe is understood to belong to God and the priests of God. Abraham gives this tithe. [The book of Hebrews in the New Testament gives more understanding about Melchizedek and why giving the tithe to him was so important].

Just a note of caution. Some people say that their god is the same as our God. Usually that is not true. Today we know that God says everyone who does not acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God is not serving the same God. Also, anyone who does not recognize Jesus as the One who sets us free from our sins is not serving the same God. Back then, they did not have the Bible, they did not know about Jesus, and they did not know much about what God called us to be like.

We also see in this portion of Scripture how Abraham refuses to let anyone in the land say that they made Abraham wealthy or have any claim upon him and the promises God gave to him. This is an interesting thought. Abraham was obviously entitled to the spoil of war but chose to let God give him everything he needed. It would not have been wrong to take it, but it made a statement that everyone understood.

Application to our Lives

Would I try to assist my spiritual family even if it risks my own life or if it comes at a significant cost?
There are lots of brothers and sisters who need help. Let’s ask God to see how we are to stand together.

Time to Pray

Father, when I look at Abraham, he was a perceptive man. He was a man who listened to You and heard Your voice with great clarity. He heard You tell him to go save Lot even at great risk to himself. He heard Your heart in a man called Melchizedek and blessed him. He heard the king of Sodom sound like a gracious man but saw a man trying to gain influence. I want to hear Your heart like Abraham does. I want to know what You want of me in every situation and then I want the strength to follow it. It is not impossible because I see Abraham do it. Help me I pray. In Jesus name, Amen.

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