Bible on BusinessЗагвар

Bible on Business

31-с 16 дахь өдөр

Glorifying God in the Marketplace

While working as an entrepreneur (and among other entrepreneurs), I've noticed being ambitious and goal-oriented for the sake of producing great results in the marketplace can sometimes hinder us from honoring and glorifying Jesus Christ in the process. My hope is to further equip you for success, through the strategic application of the following two points:

  1. As a leader, you must trust God more than yourself. I'm constantly surprised by how easily we can trust in ourselves rather than trusting in the Great I Am. As Christians, we must depend on His leadership and be flexible to what He desires instead of pursuing what we want (or think is best). By yielding our agenda to His Lordship, we are guaranteed success: "Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.”
  1. As a leader, being open to correction is imperative. You cannot be a one-person show and call all the shots, expecting everyone else to uniformly fall in line without providing you with their own input. Here are two ways to mature in this area: 1) Pray for a heart of humility and a desire to grow; and 2) intentionally surround yourself with wise advisors.

You must have a team of smart, God-fearing people to guide you in His direction. Why? Because not every idea is the right one at the right time. Your ideas may need to be modified, postponed, or dropped entirely in order to fit the needs of your mission: "The words of the wise are like cattle prods--painful but helpful. Their collected sayings are like a nail-studded stick with which a shepherd drives the sheep."

Christy Becker is the founder of His Daily Dose, a blog community offering daily inspiration from God’s Word. 

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