Christmas Around The WorldЗагвар

Christmas Around The World

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Christmas in Nicaragua

“What causes such happiness?” It’s a common phrase to hear in Nicaragua on December 7. The joyful response is, “Mary’s conception.” This declaration is followed by exploding fireworks, firecrackers, and celebration in the streets. Then groups of people join together to sing and play instruments, caroling at homes. Home owners respond by giving fruit, candy, toys, drinks, and other gifts to the carolers. 

Christmas Eve is celebrated with family and at midnight fireworks are heard blasting through the country. A toast is made and dinner is served. 

Many families aim to keep the message of Christmas as the focus. In many homes, the nativity is set early in December, but baby Jesus does not make an appearance until the first hours of December 25. At that time, the Jesus figurine is placed in the manger.

This Christmas, we join with you to celebrate the Christ child and His coming to earth over 2000 years ago. Although God’s Son deserved a high-profile birth in eloquent surroundings, we remember His humble birth. It is an amazing picture: Jesus came to be born in meekness, as one of us. He is approachable, accessible, available. 

As you celebrate Christmas this year, are you celebrating a baby in a manger or your personal Savior? You see, that baby didn’t stay a baby. Thirty-three years later, He was crucified for your sins and ours.

John 3:16-17 clearly states the real meaning of Christmas, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." 

Just like the people of Nicaragua, we can celebrate this incredible act of love.

Family Activity Idea: Following the example of our friends in Nicaragua, set up a nativity set, but don’t include Jesus until Christmas Eve. As you read the Christmas account from the Bible together, have your children place Jesus in the manger.

Learn more about Christmas in Nicaragua.

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