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Just Such A TimeПримерок

Just Such A Time

9 ДЕН ОД 10

 A Time To Be Surprised

If you have ever watched a painting taking shape it can be a messy, unclear, unfathomable thing. But in due course, suddenly, from the lashings of paint, a form appears. From the places where it seemed the artist neglected to paint, light emerges. It all comes together. Then it becomes clear what the creator of the masterpiece was up to.

When God is involved, the outcome of life is almost always a surprise.

Such a metaphor resonates with me and my own experience of trying to find my way, God’s way, through dark times. There may be entire seasons of our lives where it appears that nothing good is happening and we begin to lose hope. Maybe you can’t see how working for that company, or serving in that way, or following that path will lead to anything but heartache?

But then comes the twist in the tale and we catch a glimpse of what God has been up to all along. Surprise! Nothing has been wasted. 

Eventually, light breaks and we see. But here’s a thought: what if the shadow we feel over us is actually God’s hand of protection, blocking us from the things we often want, but that He knows we need to be shielded from?

I wonder what journeys you've taken that have made you feel like the light had all but gone? 

Can I encourage you right now? Instead of focusing on the pain of the past, give thanks to God that He has brought you through those times and you’re still here. You made it with God beside you. And He created purpose and opportunity out of your scars.

Let’s acknowledge His presence in our lives, in the good times and bad. Why not look for others who are struggling or contending with similar battles, and use the capacity and strength you’ve earned to bend down and lift them up?

You are stronger than you think.

You have more in you than you know. 

You have more wisdom than you've yet tapped into. 

You have more determination than your soul believes. 

Life is tough at times, but so are you!

Nothing is wasted in God.

He’s closer than you think.

Your pain is precious to Him…

And by His Spirit He is whispering right now, “Come on, I’ve not forgotten you. My hand is over you, shading you.” And, as surprising as this is, as you attempt to handle life right now, He says, “I have made you for a purpose!”

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Опис за овој план

Just Such A Time

The Bible tells us that God has good plans for us. But what happens when they seem to be thwarted by unforeseen circumstances? When serious health issues put her life and ministry on pause, Lindsay Bruce found herself at a crossroads. Here, she shares the insights God gave her from the life of Esther. Find out how to reconnect with your God-given purpose when life gets in the way.
