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Love Is God's LanguageПримерок

Love Is God's Language

3 ДЕН ОД 5

God Is Seen Through Our Love

Today I would like to start by asking a simple question, "What draws you to someone you meet for the first time?" I don't think we give it much thought because we meet so many people in our lives occasionally but the common answer might be, "That person was so nice, so kind, so gracious, so welcoming, the smile was warm, or they had a sweet spirit." And this is how we describe people we are drawn too if they leave an impression on us. Well, this is how God said he would be known to the world and it will be through us. Jesus came to the earth to show forth the love of God to all humanity, but he also left his disciples with the same job description, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." (Mark 16:15 NIV). In other words; do for the world what was done for you.

The Apostle John emphasizes that no one has ever seen God, but if we love one another then God lives in us, and that will cause others to have a glimpse of God. (1 John 4:12 NIV). The sad reality of the state of believers and that includes me is that we are always looking for something more complex and profound to do to make our lives better and we forget our primary purpose is to be a witness for Jesus, representing him to a lost and broken world in such desperate need of love. In Jesus's time, there was no shortage of rules, regulations and organized religion and the people were burdened, exhausted and defeated by it all. Jesus came to relieve us from the heavy burdens of trying to fix our lives and keeping all the rules, there was no time for healthy community and relationships. What the world needed was not more rules but a savior to set them free and Jesus was that savior. I am saved today because of the love of Jesus displayed through a disciple of Jesus who took time to pray for and with me, listen and was patient with me through the process. While Jesus did not show up in person, I saw God through the love the person showed me.

My friends, Jesus has done all that he can do to show his love, and he now wants to partner with you so his love can be made manifest to those around us. Sometimes we find it easier to preach to people about what they must do to get their lives right but according to the Apostle John, lives are changed when they encounter God and God is seen when people who don't know him see his children loving others, and that is the power of the gospel. John went so far to say, "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen" (1 John 4:20 NIV). The Apostle used strong, but necessary words and I pray that we will all aspire to love people the way God loves us.

Declaration: Today I will show love to everyone around me because I have received the love of God.

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