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Reflections on TruthПримерок

Reflections on Truth

16 ДЕН ОД 31

Hope – the dictionary defines it as a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. It's that feeling we hold onto when everything else feels uncertain. I've clung onto hope out of desperation, telling myself, "I might as well have hope, I have nothing else to lose."

But the dictionary doesn't capture the essence of God's hope. It's not a desperate grasp at straws. God's hope is a confident certainty grounded in his promises, a belief that what he says in his word is true and will come to pass.

God's hope has changed me from the inside out. In May 2019, I faced the heartbreaking loss of my best friend to suicide, and at the time, I really struggled without him in my life. About two months prior, my family and I had stumbled upon a church that reignited a flame for God within me – or rather, God found me in the midst of my brokenness. I wouldn’t know then what my encounter with God was preparing me for, but it opened my eyes and heart to a God who had always been waiting patiently for me.

Losing my dear friend left a profound void, a silence where his laughter once echoed. Yet, through the sadness, God filled my spirit with a hope that goes beyond personal healing. It's an overwhelming sense of God's truth flowing through me, compelling me to share his hope with others who need to believe they are loved and they belong.

Through my victories and failures, I discovered that God had always been there, running beside me to the finish line or picking me up when I fell. He has always shadowed my footsteps, knowing I would stumble. How do I know? Because you're reading the enduring hope that flowed through me during those dark times.

God's hope fills you with joy and a calming sense of peace as you surrender your anxieties, fears, and pain to him. It's a commitment to trust in his love to pull you through any storm life may throw at you.

I can't imagine navigating that stormy period without my reconnection with God and his hope. It will forever be a life-changing force that turns despair into certainty and mourning into a message of love and belonging.


Dear Lord,

In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, we find peace in knowing that our hope doesn't depend on circumstances but on you, the steadfast anchor of our souls. So today, we surrender our fears, anxieties, and doubts to you, knowing that you are faithful to fulfil your promises.

In your wonderful name, I pray Lord, Amen.

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