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Peace Be With You!Примерок

Peace Be With You!

6 ДЕН ОД 6

Peace Is Our Power!

The Lord Jesus is also Alpha and Omega to our peace. It all takes root in Him, gets sustained through Him, and finds meaning by Him. There is no way for us to experience true Peace that excludes intimacy with the Prince of Peace.

Peace, I want you to know, is key to everything. When you choose peace as your priority every day, you gain access to your inner compass that directs you on how to invest your time and attention in every living moment. Instead of constantly worrying about what you are doing, you begin to focus on, and be empowered by who you are being. And everything else falls into place. Just surrender to the process.

When you live in your power — your truth, your peace, your wholeness, your integrity — you live in a place that is invulnerable to assault from the outside.

Surrender doesn’t negate our desire for things like financial success and great relationships. But it empowers us to be content and joyful right where we are right now. It allows us to live in confidence— which is really just another way of saying to live in peace and power. It is the confidence that gears are turning even when you’re not frantically pulling levers.

Let’s help those around us to understand that their power lies in who they are, not just what they are able to do. Let's help them understand that peace of mind, service to others, a sense of purpose, and vibrant relationships are what wealth is all about.

Peace is possible. Peace is our power. Peace is the New Success®

Peace Be With You!

This plan is an excerpt from the book Exponential Living®, by Sheri Riley. For more information, please check out Sheri's page related to the book.

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Peace Be With You!

Jesus is the Prince of Peace. The peace He gave us is different from the world's. But, what does peace actually mean to us? How does it translate into our lives? Is it tied to our goals? Do we see it as a cause or as an effect? Well, peace is a daily pursuit, a master key. Let's learn how to use it in our life journey.
