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The Gift of God's LoveПримерок

The Gift of God's Love

6 ДЕН ОД 13

True Love

What does true love look like? True love, modeled by Christ, is sacrificial. Our sin-ridden societies prefer the flimsy alternative because it is easier to control and manipulate. It is instantly gratifying. Unfortunately, it is not enduring because it is running on a limited fuel source—;self.

True love is fueled by God’'s supernatural love! True love is self-giving love. It demands something of us, not of others. It is more concerned about giving than receiving. It is more concerned with the welfare of others than self. 

True love is given from a heart that is filled with the love of God. The world’'s love will always be conditional— based on feelings, resources, and reciprocation.

Now that you know the difference, how can you tell if you are living out the world’' definition of love or true, biblical love? 

The Bible tells us we are able to love because “"God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us”". (Romans 5:5). There is no shortcut or back door by which we can come to it. It only comes from Christ loving through us.

If you find yourself working to death trying to love someone, even to the point of exhaustion, recognize that you’re trying to do it in your own strength and you can’'t possibly keep it up. Stop and receive God’'s love first.

Allow Him to minister to your heart and to fill you. Once you have, He will love others through you— in ways you never imagined were possible with your limited resources. Then, you will be able to love as Jesus tells us to in John 13:34-35, as "He has loved us. Then, men will know you are His disciples".

Prayer: God, I need to receive Your love so that I can truly love others. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". (John 3:16).

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