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When One Person Says “Yes” to GodПримерок

When One Person Says “Yes” to God

4 ДЕН ОД 7

What Does Commitment to Jesus Require?

Hello, my friend, and welcome back to Holy Week on A Miracle Every Day.

I walked out of the back door of the church I pastor and into the middle of a police arrest! On one side of the door was peace and quiet and on the other side was mayhem and chaos. My eyes took in two people on the ground in handcuffs, dozens of clothing items strewn on the ground, and three police officers attempting to control the situation. It was a sudden shock and change in a matter of seconds.

On an ordinary day, Simon was on his way to Jerusalem. We don’t know his purpose for going into the city that day, but in an instant, his world changed as he found himself in the middle of a conflict of eternal proportions. Luke 23:26 says:

“As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.”

In truth, Simon didn’t have a moment to say “yes” or “no” to what was thrust upon him. He was conscripted into a moment of history that undoubtedly changed him forever.

I‘m captured by the phrase, “...they put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.” My friend, we are called to the same purpose! Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)

Commitment to Jesus means taking up your cross daily, giving up your hopes, dreams, possessions, and even your very life if need be for the cause of Christ. That may seem daunting, but the reward is worth the price. Remember that, as Jesus called His disciples to “take up your cross and follow Me,” He too bore OUR cross. Our Lord Jesus led the way.

You know, I wonder if Simon of Cyrene ever made eye contact with Jesus? I wonder if he knew that he was saying “yes” to the call of Jesus? I wonder if the love of God touched his heart in those sacred instances of carrying the actual cross of Jesus.

We don’t have any idea what happened to Simon after he carried the cross that day, but we do have a clear view of God’s calling on our lives. My friend, will you be faithful to carry the cross of Jesus today? Let me remind you once again:

Miracles happen when people say “YES” to God.

May the miracle of your calling lead you in the footsteps of Jesus today and every day!

Never forget my friend…

You are a miracle!

Your friend,


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