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Come & See: Life Lessons From Women In the New Testament Примерок

Come & See: Life Lessons From Women In the New Testament

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Come & See: Mary's Obedience

I got married a bit later than I had always imagined. I remember days of wondering where and when I would meet a godly man…or even if I would be a wife at all. When I met the man who would be my husband, and we finally got engaged, it was a time of excitement and anticipation for the future. We paid attention to small details regarding our wedding day and would share the wonder with our friends and family.

Mary was a young woman, betrothed to be married, as well. What a wonderful season of dreaming of married life with her fiancé and sharing those special moments with her family, who were probably just as thrilled as she was.

This engagement season for Mary was unexpectedly and indescribably transformed when God sent the angel Gabriel to her to reveal that she, a virgin, would be with child. She would give birth to a son, and he would be called the Son of the Most High. Mary was confused…how could this be?

Have you ever been in the middle of making major plans when circumstances shift suddenly and you have no idea how to respond? Mary, a humble woman, was faced with this reality. Her world changed one day when she was given the news that she would bear a child much earlier than she anticipated. Her response? “I am the Lord’s servant…may it be to me as you have said.”

Mary realized that there would likely be embarrassment from the ridicule she would receive. She likely knew there would be questions from Joseph, her family, and the community. Yet, she was willing to take on this responsibility because she knew it was an assignment from God.

Mary’s obedience and willingness is an amazing example to those of us who prefer to sit in our comfort zone and resist any major change that may rock our world. Is there something God is asking you to do that makes you feel uneasy because of the fear of rejection or ridicule? If it is truly God speaking to you, He will make a way and make everything beautiful in its time…just as the birth of Jesus came at the perfect time when the world needed a Savior the most.


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