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Level Up: A 7-Day Journey to Help You Advance in Your CallingПримерок

 Level Up: A 7-Day Journey to Help You Advance in Your Calling

3 ДЕН ОД 7


Realizing your potential begins by awakening to your purpose.

Consider Moses. At the age of forty, he was drawn to his kinsmen, the children of Israel. After growing up in Pharaoh’s palace, something within him was awakening toward his destiny, and a turning point was about to happen.

As Moses explored these inner promptings, he began to move to his purpose. First, he defended a Hebrew against an Egyptian—whom he also killed. Then he broke up a fight between two Hebrew men. Afterward, one of those Hebrew men questioned him: “Who made you a ruler and a judge over us?” Little did he know, however, that Moses would eventually become Israel’s ruler and judge, delivering them from slavery.

But that was for a future time. Moses, however, had an awakening, and his life would never be the same. Although he acted ahead of God’s timing, Moses, nonetheless, had received a foretaste of what his future held. He had come alive. The same can happen for you!

Here’s what we learn from Moses: God shapes His will in us far more than he speaks His will to us. Often times, we look to hear from God externally—a loud, booming voice—when all along He has been speaking to us internally—through desires, promptings, nudges, and ideas.

What desires have you suppressed? What promptings have you ignored? What ideas have you shelved?

Perhaps it’s time to revisit them and to move in that direction. They could be the very things that propel you to your next level.

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