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How to Stop Watching PornПримерок

How to Stop Watching Porn

4 ДЕН ОД 6

Seek Progress

Have you ever found success quitting porn, only to fall back into the habit later? It can feel crushing and lead us to quit trying.

But in those moments, we get to experience God’s grace. In our weakness He is strong. Yes, we want to eliminate sin from our lives, and yes, God doesn’t condone sin. But He also doesn’t reject us when we sin. Instead, He continues to seek us, love us, and lead us toward His best for our lives.

Remember, God doesn’t quit on you, so don’t quit on yourself.

In today’s verses, you’ll see how Peter was tempted to reject Jesus, and kept giving in. Peter likely felt tempted to quit following Jesus entirely in his shame, but Jesus pursued Peter and welcomed him back.

They both knew that what Peter did was wrong, but Jesus didn’t let it disqualify Peter from continuing to follow Him and have a life full of meaning and purpose.

Maybe you’ve felt like your sin has disqualified your from your calling, from God’s love, or the potential of a relationally full life. Those feelings are natural—we’ve all had them—but they’re not true. God’s grace is greater than your sin.

When you decide to quit watching porn, you may not have 100% success at first. If you fall short, don’t quit trying. Even if you’re not perfect, you’re still making progress. Keep leaning into God’s grace as you run away from porn and toward Jesus.

We don’t quit porn to earn God’s love. He loves us, even at our worst. We want to quit porn so we can live undistracted as we pursue Jesus’ others-focused way of life today.

As you think about following Jesus today, what are some other “whys” that lead you to want to quit porn? Maybe you want to live with greater integrity, be a better example for your family, or have greater intimacy with your spouse. All of these whys are valid and helpful to write down.

Pray: Dear God, thank You for never giving up on me. Even when I fail, I know You love me. Please help me to give grace to myself in moments of weakness. And help me continue to pursue You every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Challenge: What are the reasons that you want to be free from porn? Ask God to remind you of those whenever you feel tempted to watch porn. Consider making a statement that you can repeat when you feel tempted: I’m no longer watching porn because ____________.

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