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Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part VIПримерок

Pray While You’re Prey Devotion Plan For Singles, Part VI

4 ДЕН ОД 7

It's Not You, It's Me

Quote from Pray While You’re Prey:

“I’m leaning and depending on God to send me someone who truly appreciates me and knows how to treat me.”

I personally have not been the subject of many sorry excuses for a break up. In my whole three, real, serious relationships, I have always been the one to call it quits officially. And, in my not-so-real relationships, I never really got a reason; generally, the guy just stopped calling or returning calls. I have heard, however, that a line that is often used in ending relationships is, “It’s not you, it’s me.”

This line is usually given when the party doing the breaking up does not want to hurt the feelings of the party with whom he or she is breaking up. So rather than explain why the relationship did not work, the person begins to list all of his or her faults, flaws, or emotional baggage.

Well, it is my understanding that this particular method of ending a relationship, though popular, may not have the intended effects. For example, the jilted party may feel ignorant for not noticing how messed up his or her partner had been. Or, the party being left may feel that he or she should get the opportunity to “fix” the other person. In the end, someone’s feelings will be hurt anyway, so honesty is the best policy.

While the “it’s not you, it’s me” break up may not be as useful as people think, the concept may help many single Christians understand why they are still in a state of singleness. Do you have people telling you that you are too picky? Has someone broken up with you or not even asked you out because you are too uptight or conservative? If you are living the life that God has asked you to live, the people who don’t want to date or marry you are not rejecting you; they are rejecting the God in you.

Some people simply cannot handle the life that you live by faith. And, I am not saying to get all high and mighty and stick your good Christian nose in the air, but I am saying that some people cannot handle the masterpiece that God made you to be. So let’s really examine this: Do you really want to spend the rest of your life or even one more minute with someone who is threatened by your relationship with Christ? I, for sure, do not.

So, the next time someone rejects you or breaks up with you, hear God’s voice saying, “It is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me.” If you desire to be in a relationship, it should be with someone who loves and appreciates you for all that you are through Christ. And, as such, that person should treat you like the precious commodity that you are to your Father. If he or she cannot accept the God in you, then it is best for that person to keep it moving so the one that God has for you can enter into your life.


Thank You, God, for Your grace and Your mercies that help me to live a life that is pleasing to You and only You. 

Please forgive me for getting caught up in the rejection of those who are in love with this word. 

Lord, please help me to hold out for someone who is willing to seek You to find me.

In Jesus’ Name,


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