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19 ДЕН ОД 21

The concept that "MORE begins with a seed" is a powerful metaphorical illustration, drawing parallels between the natural growth of plants and the spiritual principles of sowing and reaping. The analogy emphasizes the transformative potential embedded in small, intentional actions, highlighting the importance of purposeful planting for a bountiful harvest.

The reference to 1 Corinthians 3:6 adds a biblical dimension to the idea, attributing the growth not only to human efforts (planting and watering, represented by Paul and Apollos) but ultimately acknowledging God as the one who brings about the growth. This perspective aligns with the biblical principle that recognizes God as the ultimate source of increase and abundance.

The analogy extends to the diversity inherent in seeds, emphasizing that each seed reproduces according to its genetic makeup. This underscores the importance of the nature of the "seeds" we sow in various aspects of our lives. Whether in relationships, finances, or personal development, the principle suggests that the intentional planting of positive attributes will yield a corresponding positive harvest.

The notion of sowing seeds towards the desired harvest encourages proactive and intentional living. It prompts reflection on the kind of relationships, work environments, and overall life experiences one desires. By recognizing the correlation between the seeds sown and the subsequent harvest, individuals are prompted to take responsibility for their actions and invest in the qualities they wish to see flourish.

The question posed—what would each of us like to have more of? Consider self-examination and/ or goal-setting. It prompts individuals to identify areas for improvement and consider how intentional actions and attitudes can contribute to a more fulfilling and abundant life.

The call to plant seeds toward a desired end is a call to participate actively in the process of personal and spiritual growth. Whether seeking a better marriage, a more peaceful work environment, or a closer relationship with the heavenly Father, the metaphor of planting seeds suggests that the journey toward "MORE" begins with intentional and purposeful actions.

Reflection: Consider the areas in your life where you desire more and reflect on the type of seeds you have been planting in those areas. How can you be intentional in sowing seeds that align with your desired harvest? The analogy encourages a proactive and purposeful approach to personal and spiritual growth, recognizing the transformative power of small, intentional actions.

Ден 18Ден 20

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Do you desire "more" in your life? More time, finances, faith, healing? Your heavenly Father wants to bless you abundantly with everything He’s paid for. You can experience more of His peace, power, provision, and presence in your life. You can receive more of His healing, authority, and faith. Commit to this 21-day devotional of prayer and fasting and open yourself up to experiencing God's "more" in your life.
