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Jesus Style Leadership 2 - Love & HeartПримерок

Jesus Style Leadership 2 - Love & Heart

7 ДЕН ОД 20

Sacrificing Our Agenda

Leadership Lesson

Love sometimes means putting aside our agenda for the needs of those we lead or serve.

Read Mark 6:30–34.


Jesus had sent his 12 disciples out in pairs to teach, do miracles, and exorcise evil spirits. It would have been incredibly exciting as they saw God, in His grace, work in power through them. But they returned home physically and emotionally exhausted, so Jesus arranged a quiet break. However, it didn’t quite work out as they planned. It seems that there was little breeze for the sails, and they were probably too tired to row. Their slow journey meant that when the crowd worked out where they were going, they got to the “solitary” place on foot ahead of them. It did not turn out to be solitary at all. What was Jesus to do? Driven by his deep compassion for people (6:34), He put aside His own agenda (a break with His friends) and started teaching again. When Jesus saw the need, He changed gears. This is a common occurrence for Jesus-style leaders. Sometimes you will have plans and priorities that need to be put on hold as you serve the needs of followers. For some of us, this is natural, but many of us need to learn that what we are planning is not always what God wants. Real love often means sacrificing our plans so that we can better serve the needs of those we are influencing.


Lord, I’m sure you’re pleased that I have projects and plans that I want to pursue. But sometimes my schedule gets really tight, and I find it difficult to be flexible. May I never put my agenda ahead of Your agenda. May I love those around me and listen carefully when You call me to postpone my plans in order to serve my friends.

Personal Reflection

When was the last time you chose to put aside an important plan or appointment in order to listen to or help someone in need? Try to listen carefully to the voice of Jesus and the needs of those you serve today.

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