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Shut Up, Shame!Примерок

Shut Up, Shame!

3 ДЕН ОД 4

What I find truly remarkable in the scripture Jeremiah 1:5 is that it begins with the word "before". It reads, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." This use of the word "before" is significant because it expresses that long before we were even conceived, before the thought of who we would be crossed anyone's mind, or before the idea of our existence in this world had even taken shape, God had already contemplated us.

God contemplated the intricacies of our lives - how we would smile, laugh, and even cry. He envisioned the depth of our love and the way our lips might quiver when angry. He considered the joys and sorrows that would touch our hearts. Most importantly, He pondered the very essence of our personalities and the impact our hearts would have on this world.

Before the foundations of this Earth were laid, God had us in His thoughts. This, to me, is an exquisite and heartwarming realization. He knew the challenges we would encounter, yet He also had a plan for us to navigate them, guided by His grace, love, and limitless power.

Let's delve into the definition of the word "before". It means "during the period of time proceeding a particular event or time". Recognizing this definition, I realize that God had a plan for each of us long before we were a twinkle in our parents' hearts. It reaffirms my belief that regardless of the challenges, trials, or shame that may try to overpower us (which, by the way, it cannot, because God's purpose for our lives precedes any adversity), God had already designated a purpose for us.

He knew, in advance, the things that would happen before they ever unfolded. This revelation brings me immense comfort and joy because it means that God had a distinct plan for our lives from the very beginning. So, I share all of this to say, do not be anxious or distressed by life's challenges or what you're going through. Tell shame to take a hike! Simply know that God has a meticulously crafted plan, and it will ultimately work out for your benefit.

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Shut Up, Shame!

Has shame become the cornerstone of your life? Life experiences should not burden you to the point of overwhelming shame. The weight of shame can lead to a rollercoaster of emotions, causing you to suppress it in order to simply carry on with your life. God desires you to live a life of victory, triumph, and freedom free from shame! You'll learn in this devotional how to do this.
