Sing, Sing, Sing - A Devotional From Anchor HymnПримерок

By The Savior's Power
Death is not something we like to think about. I know I don’t. But it just keeps happening, doesn’t it?
We’ve probably all gone to school with, or seen a movie about, someone who talked about death a lot. For some in our culture, it can be an unhealthy obsession. Yet I’m grateful that the Bible speaks so plainly and so often of death, not as fixation but as freedom!
In our lives as Christ followers, death is a current reality, and it brings with it terrible sadness, grief and hardship. This is not what God’s beautiful created world was supposed to be like. But the story is not over. Jesus gave up His very life for us. Our death now, painful as it may be, will one day be little more than the door we walked through into the eternal life of goodness and glory with Him.
We feel the pain of this life so acutely. It is real. And Jesus is with us in this. And still He promises us even more. Our redeemer, our great defender. The overcomer, Christ the victor. By his life and death, we have the future of His presence with us in the new heavens and the new earth, with full, rich lives in the light and praise of His glory.
So when we face hardships today, even death, we will grieve, but not as those with no hope. We have been rescued by the Savior’s power!
By Andrew Osenga of Anchor Hymns
Опис за овој план

This plan dives into the Scriptures through the lens of the value of the hymnal tradition - how sacred songs outlast us, inform our theology, and meet us in the face of joy and suffering. Join Anchor Hymns - a multigenerational collective of artists who create songs for this particular space in Christian worship - on a 5-day journey through the Bible, impactful lyrics, and the beauty of God.
Слични Планови

Пет молитви на понизност

Живеј со сила и храброст!

Библија за деца

Што е вистинска љубов?

Отстапи го на Бога првото место

доверба - да веруваш на тоа што бог го кажува во неговото слово и да живееш во согласност со тоа божјо слово

Живеј живот со цел!

божиќ о, дојдете да го прославиме!

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