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So You Think You're Not Good Enough?Примерок

So You Think You're Not Good Enough?

11 ДЕН ОД 12

My prayers just bounce back off the ceiling

Many times I have heard a Christian say, “I don’t think God is listening. My prayers just bounce back off the ceiling.”

Nothing could be further from the truth because God is always listening to our prayers, and He always answers our prayers. Sometimes He may give a different answer than what we want or expect, but He always gives us an answer…even if the answer is “No.”

First, we have to ensure that we are behaving in a manner that will not hinder our prayers. If we live our lives in a similar manner to the rest of the world, why should God listen to us? The scripture in 1 Peter 3:7 tells us that we need to behave appropriately, especially towards our husbands or wives. (Yes, the scripture talks about husbands only, but the same principle applies both ways). If we are not acting appropriately, then our prayers may be hindered. So, that is the first thing we need to be certain of.

On another note, if we don’t receive what we are seeking the first time, then ask again. You can ask for a thing as many times as necessary, and if it is something important, then don’t be afraid to ask until you get an answer.

Also, be sure that what you are asking for is in the Lord’s will. Don’t bother asking to win the lottery, as money is not of God. Money is an invention of man, as Jesus showed in Matthew 22:15-22. And as for asking for things that are not in accordance with the will of God, recall the words of James. He warned us about asking for things that are to be spent on our passions (like winning the lottery). When we seek the things that will puff us up in the flesh, we can be certain that God will not bother with such prayers.

Understand also that sometimes God says, “No!” He even said “No” to Jesus when Jesus asked to be spared from being put to a grisly death. And Jesus added, “Not my will, but yours, be done!”

So, come to God in your prayers with humility, recognizing that God is worthy of your praise and worship. Ask for the things you need to grow in the name of Jesus, as these things will lead to eternal life and salvation. And don’t cease to ask for the things that are needed for your growth in the Lord.

Call to Action:

We may think God doesn’t hear our prayers, but every prayer is heard and answered. With God, there is no ceiling. We just need to be patient and be in His will. We also may have to keep asking until we receive His answer and be ready to hear it when it comes because it may come from an unexpected source.

Ден 10Ден 12

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