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God’s Promises for SolopreneursПримерок

God’s Promises for Solopreneurs

2 ДЕН ОД 7

Promise: God Gave You a Place

“What if everybody was like you?” a pastor asked. If that were the case, we would have a lot of shortcomings in this world, I thought.

It’s a good thing, then, that God intentionally created unique individuals. Wonderfully creating me with various kinds of gifts and talents was so that I can be a vital, valuable, functioning part of the body of Christ.

Business-wise, that means I can run my business in a way that is authentically me. After all, no one can execute their work exactly as I do. I should own that and consider it a strength, but way too often I doubt myself and compare what I do to other solopreneurs. I basically doubt my purpose and my ability to do things my God-designed way.

But then I realize: If God knitted me to take my appropriate place in life and use my God-given talents and skills, it’s an absolute waste of time to compare myself with others.

Other solopreneurs are NOT me. Other people are wired in a different way. Others don’t deserve my envy for being better at something—or pitied for lacking skills in areas of business that I’m an expert in. We’re simply different parts, essential to contributing to one body.

Does that mean you should never look at other body parts?Sure you can. You can draw inspiration. You can collaborate and do greater things for God’s kingdom together, but you should never doubt how you run your business. God destined you to use your authentic approach for His glory and the good of others.

Embrace it, and take your place with confidence!


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