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Becoming New WineПримерок

Becoming New Wine

5 ДЕН ОД 5

Day 5 Wisdom and picking up your cross

Conquering the things that hold us back is often our biggest battle. It might be your pride, identity, anxiety, fear, or something different. But when we talk to God and figure that out, we can face it and move through it.

By God's grace, I am a changed man experiencing new wine in a new wineskin, but not by a perfect journey. Changing my life was scary, and many things were hindering me! But He showed me how to overcome and conquer the fear so I could make a change and become new. If God can do it for me with the mess I made, I have no doubt He can work miracles in your life.

So where do you begin? Are you starting to find the courage to make a change for yourself, and are you ready to move forward? I have found that seeking wisdom from people who are where you want to be or have done what you want to do is the way to go. Perhaps even find a mentor, whether it be spiritual or professional.

Ecclesiastes 7:12 says, "Wisdom is a defense, as money is a defense, but the excellence of knowledge is this: Wisdom gives life to those who have it."

Defense, in this context, is talking about protection. And how money can help you; however, wisdom gives you life. Our goal here is new life, new wine, and new wineskins.

Proverbs 4:6, "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you."

Have you ever thought of God as your mentor? James 1:5 invites us to reach out to God like a wise grandfather learning from all his wise sayings, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

Let's go back in time real quick. Ahh, roughly 2000 years ago? Yeah, you see where I'm going here. Can you imagine a 33-year-old man? This man is Jesus. He was tortured, beaten, spit on, cursed, thorns of a rose bush pushed into his forehead, and then actually nailed to a cross. Then he picked up that cross and walked through town, humiliated, spit on more, beaten more, and eventually escorted to the hill where he knew he would be crucified. And he knew all of this was going to happen ahead of time. He actually chose for this to happen to him. He could have stopped it at any time. But he knew that this sacrifice was needed for you and me. John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

When things get hard, when pride, identity, and anxiety get in the way of you moving forward, picture Jesus. He did that for you and me.

What do you feel God is asking you to do? Do you need to start over? Who do you know that you might be able to reach out to? Is there anyone you know who might be willing to mentor you? Take it from me; starting over is probably the most challenging option. But I did that, and with God's help, I landed on my feet, and I'm doing just fine today.

God took this broken vessel of mine, this fractured mind of mine, this hurt heart of mine, and he made me new. He blessed me with an amazing God-fearing wife, three beautiful children, a thriving business, eternal friends, and a purpose-filled life that shows glory and gratitude to him.

That life you once thought was so far out of reach. The one that you see other people living, and you've always wondered, "how is that possible? Can life really be THAT good?" Yeah, it can be, and THAT is what God wants for you. He wants to bless you with New Wines Skins. His hand is out, figuratively and literally. You just need to take it.

I will leave you with this:

Ephesians 4:22-24, "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

Mad Love to you and your journey. If you feel so inclined, feel free to reach out to me on IG @mattmeddock. If you find me, you'll see that I love Jesus, I love my family, and I make sandwiches for a living. And I better start running again, so you actually believe I once ran 42 miles!

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