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Stronger Than PornПримерок

Stronger Than Porn

1 ДЕН ОД 3

Overcoming Temptation

According to studies, the most frequent search phrases on internet search engines are overwhelmingly those related to porn. Millions of people conduct searches relating to the pornographic sector every day. Internet pornography has powerful, very addictive pictures. Many men (and women) have fallen victim to the online porn trap and are now hopelessly dependent on its visual stimulation. Very strong feelings of shame and despair are the repercussions of this. The leading factor in sexual immorality is pornography. Most significantly, pornography upsets God and is thus wrong.

The struggle to kick an internet porn addiction has two basic aspects: the spiritual and the practical. Spiritually, having a porn addiction is a sin, and God will assist you in overcoming it. Making sure you truly trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior is the first step. There is no chance for real and enduring victory over pornography apart from redemption through Jesus Christ: “Apart from me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Hope and assistance are available for Christians battling an addiction to internet porn. You have access to the Holy Spirit’s power (Ephesians 3:16). You can benefit from the purifying power of God’s forgiveness (1 John 1:9). You can use the regenerating power of God’s Word (Romans 12:1-2). Give the Lord your eyes and mind (1 John 2:16). Pray for divine assistance to help you overcome pornography (Philippians 4:13). Ask God to keep you from being exposed to pornography in the future and to fill your mind with things that please Him (1 Corinthians 10:13, Philippians 4:8). God will honor and grant all of these requests.

Do not give up! Addiction to internet porn is not an unpardonable sin. God can forgive you, and He will. A “difficult to overcome” vice is not an internet porn addiction. You can and will be helped by God through it. Give the Lord your eyes and your mind. Decide to spend more time in God’s Word (Psalm 119:11). Ask God to fill your mind with His truth and to obstruct any ungodly ideas and desires as you seek His assistance in prayer each day. Use these practical measures to hold yourself accountable to someone else and to restrict access to online porn. “To him who, because of the power that operates inside us, can do far more than anything we could ask or conceive” (Ephesians 3:20).

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Stronger Than Porn

Among the victims of pornography, who are most commonly young, are teenagers from Christian homes. Sixty-four percent of Christian men and fifteen percent of Christian women report seeing pornography on a regular basis. Because it impacts members of the wider public as well as churchgoers, this issue cannot be ignored or minimized. Join us for ten minutes on this powerful Bible reading plan to learn why you need to quit porn, how to overcome the temptation, and what specific steps you can take.
