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Armed Against DepressionПримерок

Armed Against Depression

1 ДЕН ОД 8

Day One: Know your Enemy

My name is Jenita, I am a therapist and pastor’s wife, and I struggle with depression and anxiety. It’s my passion to help others like myself navigate the battle of mental health. A core element of depression is the lies from Satan, our enemy.

Before beginning any battle, it is important to understand and learn how your enemy works. This provides invaluable insight into what tactics are most effective. And so, before we begin to show you how each piece of God’s armor can uniquely help you fight, it is helpful to understand the enemy.

In Genesis 3:1, we get our first glimpse of how he works as he approaches Eve to talk with her. He is “crafty” and strategically twists the words of God to convince her God is not telling the truth. He doesn’t yell and scream. He talks to her like he is a friend who is giving wise counsel. What was even more convincing is parts of what he said were true, but he adapted the words to present God as a liar. He will try to convince you that God is not kind and is a liar.

Satan also pays close attention to his timing, working to take advantage of any moments of weakness. In Mark 4:1-11, Jesus had been fasting for forty days when Satan came to tempt him. Jesus is very hungry and therefore likely distracted by his body’s desire for food. Satan doesn’t just use words but visuals to try to convince Jesus to sin. Therefore, he will use moments where your body, mind, and emotions are weak, to move in for an attack.

Lastly, Satan is aggressive. In 1 Peter 5:8, he is described as an intimidating lion who is on the hunt. You must be aware that he is hunting you. You are loved by God and a valuable commodity.

Depression provides the perfect opportunity for Satan to move against you. In my experience, depression attacks all parts of who I am. My mind begins to believe lies. I become sad and feel hopeless. I struggle to wake up in the morning. I have a tendency not to eat.

It is in the darkest part of your depression that understanding how to utilize the armor of God is most important. I never really understood the power of the armor and each piece until I had the privilege of consulting someone who knows how each piece works.

Captain Karl J. Watje will join us in learning how to use the armor of God. He has been in the Marine Corps as a logistics officer since 2009 and served all over the world. Through all the various assignments and challenges, using armor has been invaluable to him.

Through our time, I will share some of the ways I have fought and continue to do so. I am praying for you: join me in the battle!

Jesus, as my friend is fighting depression and Satan, I pray they do not feel alone. Help us to learn how to use the tools you have given us. Lord, you say you are with us to the “very end of the age.” I pray we would feel your presence as we forge ahead.

Ден 2

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Armed Against Depression

Depression provides the perfect opportunity for Satan to move against you. It is in the darkest part of your depression that understanding how to utilize the armor of God is most important. In this plan, Jenita Pace and Captain Karl J. Watje, walk you through how to fight back and even advance against your enemy. Learn how to use the armor of God to win the war.
