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Pray First: Abide • Ask • FollowПримерок

Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

14 ДЕН ОД 21

Day 14: Ask for Revival

Come Before Him in Worship: Who is like the Lord? Is there anyone who can compare to Him? Take a moment to reflect on the astonishing power and holiness of our God. Ask Him to fill you afresh with His Holy Spirit and receive this gift with faith and expectation. Let Him stir up a holy fire in your heart, a burning desire to see the Lord move in power in our time!

“Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at your presence-- as when fire kindles brushwood and the fire causes water to boil-- to make your name known to your adversaries, and that the nations might tremble at your presence! When you did awesome things that we did not look for, you came down, the mountains quaked at your presence. From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him.” Isaiah 64:1-4

Devotion: Isaiah foresaw a time in which Jerusalem would be desolate, the temple burned, and the land laid to waste, with many carried away into captivity. The call for God to “rend the heavens” implies a sudden and powerful descent to execute vengeance on their foes, in a manner that would cause the nations to tremble at the obvious power and might of God.

We see such a movement of the Lord at Pentecost in Acts 2, where God poured His Spirit out on the early church and 3,000 people were saved in one day. Since that day there have been many times, both in the United States and abroad, in which God has poured out His Spirit in a powerful and unusual way to awaken His people and bring many to Himself.

Do you see our great need for revival today? The darkness is accelerating, there is precious little belief in God, His word or the judgment to come. The culture has so infiltrated the church that at times it’s hard to tell the difference between believers and unbelievers. But God is our hope! He alone is able to rend the heavens and come down! Let us pray like the saints of old and ask God to come in power to awaken His slumbering church. Let us remember and trust that there is no God like our God, who acts for those who wait for Him!!

Respond in Prayer: Lord, what does revival look like for us today? May it begin first with me! Are my hands clean? Is my heart pure? Revive in me a burning, wholehearted adoration for You, Lord. Restore my delight in You! Pour Your Spirit out in our churches and cities. Wake up Your bride, the church, to remember her first love.

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Pray First: Abide • Ask • Follow

The start of a new year provides us all with a great opportunity to take stock of our relationship with Jesus. Are you strong in him? Have you drifted? Are you hungry for more? This prayer plan is designed to help in that endeavor and to mobilize you, alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ, for the Kingdom! Use the prayer prompts to spur your own Spirit-directed prayers.
