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Running Our Race - Going for GoldПримерок

Running Our Race - Going for Gold

5 ДЕН ОД 5

Lastly, a heart that is wholly God’s is a heart for the lost to be found, saved, and set into the Kingdom. God’s heart is to see the lost saved, God is evangelical.

In fact, of all the things God cares about, nothing matters more to Him than being restored into a right relationship with His children. Nothing. How can we know that? We can know it by looking at the price He was willing to pay to make it possible. The price was the sacrificial suffering and death on the cross of His only son.

Think about it. God only had to speak to create the heavens and the earth. He spoke and it all came to be. He made man and woman and every living thing and never seemed to break a sweat. All creation was easy for our Creator. But to solve the problem of separation that came between He and His children He had to give the life of His Son, and He did it. Nothing else that we know of what He is or has done comes close at its’ price to the cost of giving His Son to die for us so that we could be forgiven of our sins and be saved. It’s God’s heart that the separated be returned, and a heart that is wholly His can’t be indifferent to the lost.

Does that mean that a heart that belongs to God must beat in the chest of an evangelist? No, of course not. There are only a few true evangelists given to serve the Body. A heart for evangelism, a passion to see the lost saved, and active participation in the process by making giving and living a good witness a priority reflects the Father’s heart.

There are other qualities and keys we could name and other factors involved in becoming a member of Heaven’s Hall of Fame, but time and space are limited so we will stop here. This is our last session. Think about life in the context of eternity.

There is a great cloud of heavenly witnesses watching us right now. The Father, our Lord Jesus, The Holy Spirit, the angels, the heavenly hosts and all those who have gone before us are watching you and I as we run the race that God has set before us. They are pulling for us, cheering us on! They know well how hard and how long the race is. They also know the prize that awaits all who run it well and finish strong. There are rewards in heaven. We don’t know exactly what they are, but we do know who will award them and who created them, and whatever they are, they will be wonderful beyond belief.

They are there for the taking for the man or woman whose heart is wholly His.

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