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Today Is Going to Be a Good DayПримерок

Today Is Going to Be a Good Day

4 ДЕН ОД 7

Today is going to be a good day because God gives us the instruction we need.

God tells us in his Word that we should pray, telling God what we need as well as thanking him for everything he has already done, instead of worrying. He has promised that when we will do this, we will experience his peace which is something that is hard for us to conceive of, but it will help guard our hearts and minds, and keep us in peace.

Because God loves us so much, he has given us his wisdom, direction, and instruction in his word for how to handle the many situations we face in this life. He set the world in motion, he knows how the story ends, and knows what his good, perfect, and pleasing plan is to get us from here to eternity.

We tend to experience difficult situations and generalize a hard situation as if makes the whole day hard. Yet, if we keep our focus on God, and what he desires for us to learn through it, we can still enjoy a good day despite the difficult moments. Because God works all things together for our good, our hard and stressful moments become part of the beautiful tapestry that God weaves together over the course of our lives to help us look more like him.

God’s love is so abundant and everlasting, that he not only tells us it’s okay to come to him for wisdom, but he promises to lavish it upon us. So it’s ours for the taking. But then we must remember to thank God not only for the prayers he has answered but also for his wisdom in not always giving us what we desire.

What do you need to share with God and thank him for today in order to release your fears and accept his peace?

Father, you are so gracious and kind. You have given us instruction straight from your lips to guide our days. So often we get up and go about our day so focused on our own thoughts. Help us to include you in every thought, every decision, and every action. We are grateful that you offer us your peace because you are our Peace. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

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Today Is Going to Be a Good Day

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by job frustrations, difficult relationships, fluctuating health, or emotional upheaval? Dr. Michelle Bengtson invites us to stand on the promises of God this week and live each day with the assurance that God made today good. Despite our circumstances, we have a new opportunity each morning to make today good.
