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21 Days to Sweeter FriendshipsПримерок

21 Days to Sweeter Friendships

5 ДЕН ОД 21

Show Hospitality

Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:1-2, ESV

It was the most amazing thing. We were brand new to the town and the church, and the people had no idea who we were, but they reached out anyway. One couple invited us to Sunday lunch. Another family brought us cookies to welcome us. Others called and asked us to come to their homes. We felt so loved, so included, and so well-received.

Truly, we were shown hospitality. And we were the strangers.

Have you ever been on the receiving end of hospitality? It’s a wonderful gift for sure. Maybe you’ve been on the giving end of hospitality as well. It’s also a treat!

Recently, we discovered our next-door neighbors had experienced a death in their family. Many relatives were visiting them from out of town. Although we do not know them well, we felt we should do something to show our support. So, I had my son pick up a couple of large meat and fruit trays at the grocery to take over to our neighbors. They were so grateful for this simple act of hospitality.

The Bible tells us to show love and hospitality to others. It’s to be a part of who we are and what we do. We may never be acting more like our Savior than when we give in this way.

Prayer– Father, would You give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and hands willing to work? Make me more aware of chances to show hospitality and kindness. When opportunities arise, lead me, and remind me to follow through.

Reflect – Think about your life right now. What might hospitality look like for you? Is there anyone you need to reach out to, call, invite, or include? What is God leading you to do?

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