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The Trailblazing WomenПримерок

The Trailblazing Women

3 ДЕН ОД 5

In October 2021, I became a new mother to a baby girl. It was a journey that unearthed emotions within me that I didn’t even know I possessed. The first few months of her life were filled with beautiful memories… her first photos, her first bath, her first doctor’s visits, and many more. When I started to travel for work, I struggled with the thought of leaving her behind. I couldn’t imagine anyone else taking care of my little girl.

Enter Jochebed: a mother who had to make the difficult choice of leaving behind her 3 month old son, in hopes to keep him alive. In Exodus 2, we are introduced to the story of Jochebed. Her youngest son, Moses, was born into a time of Israel’s history where an edict was decreed for all Hebrew baby boys to be killed at birth. Yet, Jochebed understood that the son the Lord had given her was born for such a time as this. She knew he was worth fighting for. Somehow, amidst all the anxiety and stress… amidst stifled cries and shushes, she managed to hide Moses in their home for three months. Any mother knows that those first 3 months postpartum are crucial to both baby and mother! Despite all the hormonal changes and shifting emotions, Jochebed had one goal in mind: keep her son safe, healthy and alive. She devised a risky plan: she would nestle Moses into a handmade basket, and place it in the Nile; near the riverbanks where Pharaoh’s daughter bathed. What many may not know is that the Nile river was infested with crocodiles. Jochebed’s creativity (and engineering skills) enabled her to craft a handwoven basket that was both crocodile-proof AND water-proof, with plaster on the inside so Moses would lay comfortably. She laid her son into the basket, and watched as the one she loved drifted down the banks of dangerous waters.

I often wonder what Jochebed was thinking in this moment. How could she let her son go? How could she trust anyone but herself to care for him? Her strength is remarkable. A mother’s love is often described as primal; she will stop at nothing to ensure her child is protected. But Jochebed quieted these motherly instincts. She understood that she did the most she could humanly do. It was time for her to let go. She knew that the Lord had given her Moses, and thus, He could be trusted with her son’s care.

Eventually, Moses is found by Pharoah’s daughter. Jochebed found favor with Pharoah’s daughter, allowing her to not only nurse her own child - but get paid to do so! She went on to take care of Moses for the first seven years of his life, instilling within him Godly principles and teachings. Jochebed’s unrelenting faith gave room for God’s glory to shine through her life. It’s no surprise that Jochebed’s name means “Jehovah is her glory”. Moses witnessed this glory firsthand, and eventually went on to become one of history’s greatest leaders.

Maybe there’s something or someone in your life you need to let go of. You’ve tried everything humanly possible to get here, but to continue, you have to let go. I encourage you to give it to the Lord. Things are better in His hands! He is a trustworthy father. Moses’s life speaks to that!


Lord, I realize that there are areas in my life that need to be surrendered to You. Give me the strength to let go. Give me the faith to trust in your timing and provision for me. Amen!

-Maryanne J. George

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