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Who God IsПримерок

Who God Is

2 ДЕН ОД 5

God Is Holy

Our God is holy and expects us to be holy. What does ”being holy” mean for me? To be holy is to be distinct, separate, in a class by oneself; being morally pure.

One of the places God declared His holiness was to Moses at the burning bush. Here God reveals Himself in a fire which encompasses a bush, but contradictory to its nature of consuming the bush, here it is not burnt. It is here that God tells Moses that the ground he is standing on is holy.

Suddenly with the presence of God, the bush and the place became holy. So with God’s presence in my life, I can also become holy in God’s sight. We see the same in the lives of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were thrown into a fire that consumed those who threw them. They were taking a walk and having fellowship with their maker that even the worldly king witnessed.

The holiness of God should guide and govern our thinking on how we would live lives pleasing to God. This brings in a sense of accountability to God, others and ourselves. It will eventually impact our attitude and the way we worship God. It should instill within us a positive fear which would motivate us to obey God.

It cautions us about what we accept and practice from those around us. God does not want us to be consumed by the situations around us.

However, the fire of this holy God should consume the unholy parts of our life, like jealousy, greed, lies, or any form of sin found in us. Just as a blacksmith purifies the metal by repeatedly putting it through fire, God purifies us by allowing fiery situations in our life, not to consume us but to purify us.

What is a fiery situation in your life today? It may be a terminal sickness, death of a loved one, difficult workplace, annoying people around you, etc. In this fiery situation, we need to be like the bush and the three Israelites who were not consumed but had fellowship with their maker.

This image of God being holy gives us a hope of His presence and fellowship even during the tough times in our life. When we have God’s presence and His fellowship, we are living holy lives that others around us can see God in us.
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