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3-Day Fitness Devotional (Includes Workouts)Примерок

3-Day Fitness Devotional (Includes Workouts)

1 ДЕН ОД 3

Day 1: What are you looking for?

Let’s start with a mental warm-up. Take 30 seconds, and look around, counting all the red objects you can find. Go ahead; I’ll wait.

Good work. Now tell me, how many blue items did you see as you looked around. I’m sure you have no idea. It’s not that there were no blue objects; it’s just that you only found red things.

Many of us have a similar habit when we head into a workout. We are looking for certain things. Most commonly, our minds are focused on: getting pumped up, what others might be thinking about us, how we will beat that last max, or simply just getting a good workout. Many of those things aren’t wrong to focus on, but that list often misses one thing: God. We miss out on finding Him, enjoying Him, and being changed by Him because we aren’t looking for Him in the gym. It’s not that God isn’t in the gym with us. It’s just that we have decided to focus on other things. But that’s why today’s Scripture is so important.

As you read the beginning of Psalm 139, you will quickly find God described as ever-present. We see the Psalmist say:

“You know when I sit and when I rise;”
“Where can I go from your Spirit?”
“If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”
“Even there your hand will guide me”

Now stop and think about this. The God who spoke the world into existence is present with you now and always. And even more than present, because of Jesus, the Holy Spirit has been deposited into each Christ-follower, eagerly awaiting for two-way dialogue as we enjoy His company.

Think about it this way. Imagine you meet a friend out for coffee, but instead of having a conversation with that friend, you scroll on your phone, laugh at videos, text friends, and even start a conversation with someone else at the coffee shop. How do you think your friend would feel? How would your relationship be affected? The answers are obvious.

God created you and wants more than anything a close friendship with you!

John 15:5 says:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

This verse makes it simple “remain in Him” as He remains in us. Remain meaning a continuous connection. It’s acknowledging Him as you go through every part of your day, including your time of working out.

So the next time you workout, challenge your mindset. Invite Him to join you. Acknowledge His presence. Prepare your heart and mind to enjoy Him as you are in the middle of warm-up, pushing through a hard set, and wiping the sweat off your brow. He’s there and wants to be a part of your time.


Get some reps! Practice acknowledging God as you go into your workout. You’ll benefit from His perspective that will change you in and out of the gym. Try the 30-minute FaithFit workout titled “Invite God In.”

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3-Day Fitness Devotional (Includes Workouts)

The world would lead us to believe that fitness is all about self-glorification. This Fitness Devotional wants to change that narrative and turn your workout time into a time of God-glorifying physical and spiritual growth. You’ll unpack biblical principles that relate to combining faith with fitness. Then, each day, you’ll apply what you read through a FaithFit workout combining bodyweight exercise with Scripture-based encouragement.
