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You on Purpose

4 ДЕН ОД 7

DAY 4: Discover What You Want

God uses our deepest desires to call us in His desired direction. Many spiritual traditions teach us to be suspicious of our natural passions, because they’re likely prompted by the world and our fleshly drives. But when we give our lives to Christ, the Spirit inside us creates the desires of our heart. 

Desire can be a good indicator of where God wants you to go, as long as it’s not in contradiction to Christ’s example and the truth found in the Bible. Our inner desires can express God’s deepest purposes for our lives. 

In two situations Jesus specifically asks people, “What is it you desire?” The first time is when two of John’s disciples follow Jesus. He turns to them and asks, “What do you want?” That wasn’t because they were bothering him, or because he was wondering why they would follow him. Jesus was simply prompting them to consider what they desired most at this critical moment in their lives. They don’t really answer. They just ask where He is staying so they can go and hang out with Him there. His question has pierced them, and they know that being in His presence is part of the answer. 

In the other situation a blind man (or two, according to Matthew) calls out to Jesus on the road as he is leaving Jericho. Jesus knows the man is blind, but He still asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” He wants us to recognize, understand, and acknowledge our deepest desires, so He can fulfill them. 

What is it that you desire? Make sure that when you answer that question, you are not letting someone else define your desires. Status or material possessions are things that society is telling us we should want — and they will give us those things if we do what they desire! Only when we set those voices aside and listen to what our own hearts are saying will we find what will truly fulfill us. Acknowledging those desires, and inviting God to meet them, will reveal your calling.

Make a list of the things you want most God to do for you, and a list of the things you want to do for God. Take this list to God in prayer and ask Him to reveal His desires for you. 

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You on Purpose

A huge question that most people feel they should be able to answer is "what are you going to do with your life?" Whether you’re just starting out on your journey or are well down the road and want (or are being forced) to change direction, this series of devotionals will help you gain a clear vision to live intentionally.
