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5-Day Harvest Fast Prayer PlanПримерок

5-Day Harvest Fast Prayer Plan

2 ДЕН ОД 6

Fasting Day 1: Remembering God's Favor and Mercy Toward You

Congratulations on deciding to walk through a 5-day harvest fast! Fasting and prayer is a powerful way of setting yourself aside to seek God and receive radical results from your seeking. 

Remember today that God is ready and willing for you to find Him, as soon as you seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13); that His mercies are new every day (Lamentations 3:22-23); and that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32)!

On the first day of your harvest fast, begin by asking the Holy Spirit to help you pray; to pray through you; and to intercede for you. (It’s actually good to pray that every day; I do!) 

Then, pray through the following prayer points (with anything else the Lord leads you to pray): 

  • Thank the Lord for all of the harvests He has already brought you. 
  • Remember several of your prior harvests and thank the Lord for those harvests. 
  • Remind Him of how good He was to you then and thank Him for His goodness. 
  • Tell Him that you know He will always be good to you, and that you look forward to what you know He is about to do in your life.

Then, work with Holy Spirit to cleanse your heart: 

  • Ask Him to search your heart and reveal any sin in your life that you need to confess. 
  • Ask Him to give you a broken and contrite heart that He will not despise (Psalm 51:17). 
  • Then, confess and repent for any sins He shows you. 
  • Ask the Lord to forgive you and cover you with the blood of Jesus. 
  • Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit and make you new, yet again, by His grace and mercy.

Then, since everything is a seed, pray these things: 

  • Ask the Lord to cover every bad seed you have sown with His blood; to forgive you for sowing those seeds; and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 
  • Ask Him to cover all bad seeds with His mercy, and to keep them from coming up as anything bad in your life. 
  • Ask Him to work all things out for your good, for you love Him and are called according to His purpose. 
  • Ask the Lord to change your thoughts to match His thoughts. 
  • Ask Him to help you transform your mind, adapting your thoughts, deeds, and expectations to match His Word. 
  • Ask Him to begin stirring up and activating every good seed you have ever sown. 
  • Ask Him to give life to those seeds and wake them up if they've been dormant.

As you begin praying through these items, you will see God move. It's a good idea to memorialize what He does for you each day by writing down every answer to prayer; doing so honors Him and will help you maintain a grateful, faith-filled heart throughout this fast.

We'll see you tomorrow for Fasting Day 2!

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5-Day Harvest Fast Prayer Plan

If you've sown time, talent, or treasure into God's Kingdom but haven't received your harvest yet, consider going on a 5-day "harvest fast." This easy, 5-day prayer plan gives you bullet points to pray over your spiritual harvest each day. Tap into the power of fasting and prayer through this guided prayer journey.
