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Praying for MiracleПримерок

Praying for Miracle

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A miracle is trusting the promise of God that has not been seen yet; believing that one day, this promise is going to happen by faith. Prayer is the key to experiencing miracles. Prayer is also the one thing that makes the miracle of harvest happen. Miracle reveals God’s glory to every person so that he/she follows the Lord.

It is not easy to testify about Jesus and Holy Spirit because both of them could not be seen by people. Human being always wants things that are real, could be touched and instant. Building faith means believing the things that are not seen and have not happened yet boldly. By faith, you are going to see miracles.  Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1)

Prayer will make heaven to be opened so that God’s presence and power are revealed and miracles happen. Do not have doubt to pray. Your position right now is the position of people who have been justified by Jesus Christ through His blood (Ephesians 1:13). You have become the children of the FATHER; the best will be given to children. 

When you ask the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will be given to you. The Holy Spirit will bring you to become a member of the Kingdom of God.

As children, you are going to receive the portion of spiritual blessings that are given by the Father. (v. 3). Your part is to give your best time to come closer to the Father. Whatever is asked by a child will be given by the Father. Just believe and throw away all doubts. 



1. Miraculous harvest of souls 

1 Kings tells us about the dilapidated life of Israel under the leadership of King Ahab and Jezebel. They worshipped the Ashtoreth (the goddess of fertility). In their worship, they had a lot of immoral acts. They even sacrificed their children to their gods. People at this age do not love their Creator anymore, they love His creations instead. The Bible recorded that Elijah was a human being who prayed earnestly to do a great thing. (James 5:16b-18). 

Elijah was fed up with people’s behaviors at the time of King Ahab. He prayed and God answered his prayer by allowing drought to happen. Elijah even challenged the Baal prophets to prove whose God was the true God and whose God could answer prayer. God revealed Himself by bringing down the fire from heaven to burn Elijah’s offerings. Israelites turned to worship the true God. Pressures are allowed to happen in your lives so that you pray. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16b). Sowing prayer to sow the souls. 

2. Miracle and promotion (Daniel 3:26-30).  

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego lived as slaves in Babylon. However, they still had the life of prayer, praise, and worship that touched the heart of God. These three men did not defile their lives with Babylon’s culture of worship. Even when King Nebuchadnezzar ordered them to worship the image of gold he had set up, they refused to do that. As a result, they were thrown into the hot blazing furnace. Miracle happened. These three men were not burnt; even there was another person who stood with them. This event caused the king and the world to acknowledge that the God whom Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego worshipped was the true God. (Daniel 3:26-30). Jesus is with persecuted people who pray, praise and worship. Praise God in his sanctuary (Psalm 150:1). Do not compromise with worldly ways. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31b). Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the province of Babylon. (Daniel 3:30). Promotion will become your portion. 

3. Harvest the miracles in Christ

Israelites were cared for by God with manna during their journey in the desert. Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35). Reading the Word of God and meditating on it will satisfy and refresh your spirit. Receive the Holy Spirit, and you are going to be satisfied. There was a boy who was possessed by an evil spirit. Every time he relapsed, he would be thrown into a convulsion; it often endangered his life. Jesus came and the father of this boy exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). A prayer of lamentation to ask for something in honesty will open the heaven. Sometimes we doubt God when we are in the midst of life’s pressure. However, in this kind of situation, come to the Lord with honesty and sincerity, and the Lord is going to show His power. Elijah was a human being who prayed earnestly and the Lord answered his prayer. 


Do not doubt God when you pray, because the blood of Christ has made us worthy to come before the Father. Come to Him with sincerity and honesty. Do not be afraid to live the word of God and do not compromise with worldly ways. Live in holiness and spiritual blessings from the Lord will become your portion. 

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