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Abiding in the Prince of Peace | How to Win Your Mental War Примерок

Abiding in the Prince of Peace | How to Win Your Mental War

8 ДЕН ОД 12

Win the battlefield of the mind 

Your spirit is transformed into a new person when you are born again, but your soul will be in a consistent renewal until you cross over into eternity with Christ? If you don't understand your mind's significance on your peace or lack thereof, it will be difficult to abide in the Prince of Peace. 

Subconscious Glacier 

“We are addicted to protecting ourselves, but the notion that we can achieve anything of substance from our self-protection is an illusion. The illusion grows because we hold so much inside, secretly wrangling to control all that happens to us. If we will release control and let loose, the illusions won’t have anywhere to work.” Francois Fenelon

Some time ago, I met with my counselor, and he introduced the topic of subconsciousness into my long-term soul health picture. I have learned that our subconscious refers to thoughts existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond consciousness. This means that the individual is not aware of many mental processes and unreportable mental activity. 

The best way I have heard it is described as like a glacier out in the ocean. Above the surface of the water, you can see a large mass of ice. Sometimes it's incredible the size and scope of what is seen. Years ago, I took a trip to Alaska and made a float trip on some glacier water. I was amazed at the size of some of the glaciers I saw. The truly unique thing is that most of the time, what you see is only a tiny portion of the mass of ice there. Typically, the largest part of the glacier cannot be seen because it's underwater or under the surface. 

This picture of a glacier is like our subconscious. We see and can deal with only a tiny portion of what is happening in our minds. From a psychology perspective, learning to surface those deep-rooted thoughts is how we can deal with them. I am not equipped to address the psychological side of this and encourage you to pursue that help as needed by trained professionals. From a theological perspective, we can see a similar pattern defined as renewal of the mind. 

Learning to renew your mind with God’s Word will sanctify your decisions and will produce God’s purpose and peace in your life. This section is about taking the word of God that you have read and digesting it into your soul, which cleanses and renews your mind. Many scriptures talk about how the word of God cleanses, washes, purifies, renews, transforms, and sanctifies your soul when you apply it to your life. 

One weapon is the ability to recognize the unhealthy confirmation to the patterns of this fallen, sinful world. This takes intentional discipline and the removal of certain things that will cause your mind to move away from God's truth. A sense that only conforms to this world's patterns cannot abide in the Prince of Peace. Romans 8 tells us that the mind that sets its focus on the worldly way of doing things is at enmity with God, and it will not be subject to the law of God. This, in turn, repels the fruits of the Spirit in this person's life, one of which is peace. 

The renewal of your mind comes with a transformation that changes your mental desires and focuses. This removes the patterns of the world and replaces them with the life-giving word of God that brings peace and joy. Your mind will find that soundness when it is transformed by the word of God. 

Take Away:

1. What does it mean—both spiritually and practically—to renew your mind? How can you do this on a daily, ongoing basis?

2. What is the battleground in the fight for faith? What distractions keep you from victoriously living in your identity in Christ? Is your mind more set on the eternal or the temporal—and how can a person have their mindset on heavenly things while still taking care of earthly responsibilities?

3. Where are you setting your mind? Make a list of things that distract and keep you from renewing your mind and a list of things that help you in the battle for the mind. Note over the next week how much time you are giving to each significant influence.

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Abiding in the Prince of Peace | How to Win Your Mental War

Do you relate to words like anxiety, fear, mental unrest, or hostility? If so, there is hope for you in Christ and I pray this devotion will direct you to abide in the Prince of peace. This devotion is taken from my new book, "Abiding in the Prince of Peace," and I want to share some raw and transparent truth that can help you on your journey to mental victory.
