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This Is Our Story: Rising Through InjusticeПримерок

This Is Our Story: Rising Through Injustice

6 ДЕН ОД 11

Rising through the injustice of discrimination

By Prince David, Country Director of India for Tearfund.

In Acts 17, we learn that, as Christians, we have a new identity in Christ – one that transcends nations and boundaries. But growing up, I hadn’t fully grasped this truth and the freedom it brings. 

I heard my parents, uncles and aunts tell stories of their British, Italian and Indian ancestors. Outside home, I was discriminated against daily for I had no caste in a culture where caste is identity. I disliked diversity as it meant ‘differentness’ and often led to disparity in treatment. Conformity became the mantra for survival.  

It all ended when I discovered the message from today’s reading in Acts 17. This passage lifted the cloud of confusion and gave me purpose and release from the shackles of all superiority and inferiority complexes that once collided in my mind.      

Compassion infused a deep realization of seeking justice for all races and tribes. Bitterness turned to a sweet desire to see everyone, ‘a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.’ (Revelation 7:9)


God of all creation, instill hope in those who are discriminated against because they are different. Bring down the walls that distance us from those who are different in their caste, colour and tribe.

Father, raise up children from every nation, tribe and language to lift up holy hands in the joyful song of praise to you.


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