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Facing the Giant of Work and UnemploymentПримерок

Facing the Giant of Work and Unemployment

21 ДЕН ОД 30

Dealing with change 

‘Be diligent...so that everyone may see your progress.’ 1 Timothy 4:15 NIV

If you think accepting change is difficult, try introducing it to others! You’ll have for enemies all those who’ve done well under the old system and only lukewarm defenders among those who aren’t sure how well they’ll do under the new one. Resistance to progress is universal; it seizes every generation by the throat and attempts to stop all forward movement. In 1553, Admiral Richard Hawkins recorded that during his career on the high seas, 10,000 men under his command had died of scurvy. He also noted that oranges and lemons (vitamin C) completely cured it. But his observations went unheeded for 200 years, during which time thousands more sailors died needlessly. In 1753, James Lind, a British naval surgeon, published a book saying that scurvy could be eliminated with lemon juice. He even cited case histories to prove it. But instead of being honoured, he was ridiculed by the Lords of the Admiralty and by the leading physicians of the day. In fact, his advice was ignored for another 40 years. Not until the year after his death in 1794 was a naval squadron supplied with orange juice before a voyage. On that voyage which lasted 23 weeks, there wasn’t one case of scurvy. Even so, another 10 years passed and thousands more died before regulations were enacted requiring sailors to drink a daily ration of lemon juice. With that enactment, scurvy finally disappeared from the British navy. What a lesson! Don’t let complacency, prejudice or the fear of change rob you of the joy of becoming all God intends you to be. 

Prayer Point:

Lord I sometimes find change difficult – especially when it’s imposed by others – or even by You! I feel out of control, and I worry about whether I will be able to adapt and learn new skills. Sometimes You have to shake me out of my comfortable nest so that I learn to fly. Please help me during that period of vulnerability to trust in You for Your wisdom and grace. Help me to see even difficult changes as growth opportunities. Amen. 

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