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SoulSister: Renewing Your Soul With the Word of GodПримерок

SoulSister: Renewing Your Soul With the Word of God

4 ДЕН ОД 10

God! Not Man

The scripture says, “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes” (Psalms 118:9 NIV). Princes, here, means those in high places. We must put our trust in God. God will allow us to walk in favor that no man can give us. You and I, my sister, already have it. The favor we are seeking is already in Christ. We just need to listen, wait, be obedient, and the favor will manifest. In the supernatural, it is all about God getting the glory. 

That is so different from my past way of thinking. I went to a very popular and successful music school that trains you to think that when you graduate, it's about getting in the right city, getting that perfect job or internship, being the most popular in your field, and being seen. We have "succeeded" when we’re well known and finally seeing the results of our efforts and years of toil. 

That used to be my mind set. My soul was driving me, and it was all I knew. But God said, “No, that's not what I have for you or how I want you to think or live.” God said, “It's Me over them. It's trust over toil. It’s grace over payment. It’s resting in Christ, not working for yourself.” 

Our Daddy God, wants that for us. He wants to get the glory. In the supernatural, it's about standing still, waiting on God, seeking the Lord, and trusting in the Lord. Allow God to put us in the right places and to put us in front of kings. 

Let’s not put our trust in men who seem so happy, so successful, and who we think are the key to our destiny. God wants us to say that the only way I am where I am is because of the grace of God. It’s because of Jesus Christ!

Think About It

1. Do you struggle with thinking you need to be in certain places at a certain time for God to move?

2. Think about a time when God said, “No, that’s not what I want for you.”

3. Reflect on a time when you were challenged in trusting God.

4. Think about a time when you didn’t have the approval of man, but you had the approval of God.

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SoulSister: Renewing Your Soul With the Word of God

This devotional will take us on a 10-day journey of being renewed, reprogrammed, and transformed in our souls (mind, will, and emotions). We are going to fast from wrong thinking, fast from giving into negative emotions, and fast from things that feed our souls anything unhealthy. How? By allowing the Holy Spirit to renew and reprogram our minds through the Word of God.
