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Walking in Patience: The Fruit of the Spirit 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland MinistriesПримерок

Walking in Patience: The Fruit of the Spirit 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland Ministries

1 ДЕН ОД 7

How To Receive Your Heart’s Desires

What are the desires of your heart? In other words, what do you secretly dream about, visualize or imagine?

Maybe you desire to be married or have children. Perhaps you’ve always desired to start a ministry or a business. Or what about financial freedom and abundance? Is that your dream? Whatever the desires of your heart, it’s never too late to receive them. No matter how old you are or how long you’ve been waiting—you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

But here’s where most Christians get hung up. They have a desire, pray for it, maybe even have the faith to receive it…but only for a while. When time ticks away, they grow weary and start to give up.

That’s where the fruit of patience comes in. Hebrews 6:12 tells us how important patience is in the faith equation (see today’s reading). Patience is likely one of the most difficult fruit of the spirit to develop, but it’s required to receive from God. 

Most people think patience is sitting and waiting without getting frustrated, but that isn’t quite it. Patience isn’t passive—it’s very active! Patience is persevering in your faith, which means you aren’t letting anything or anyone talk you out of what you’re believing for. And while you’re waiting, you obey God’s commands all along the way.

Patience is defined in the dictionary as “the quality that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial.” Patience is divinely designed to undergird all the other fruit of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. It keeps the other fruit of the spirit working so that even when we’re under pressure, we don’t give up and quit.

If you want to see the desires of your heart, develop the active fruit of patience. Persevere in faith, don’t waver from your position—remain obedient, continually grow in God, and above all—Don’t. Give. Up.

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Walking in Patience: The Fruit of the Spirit 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland Ministries

How important is patience to your spiritual growth and victory? You may think patience isn’t a big deal, but it is. Bible patience will go after a promise or blessing for as long as it takes. It will keep you standing and believing the Word of God until the full manifestation comes. Spend the next seven days learning how you can begin walking in patience, a fruit of the spirit.
