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Creativity and InnovationПримерок

Creativity and Innovation

5 ДЕН ОД 7


God’s order of creation is a ‘non-amateurish’ process of planning and execution. Theologians have offered interpretations on Genesis 1 that provide a better understanding of order and arrangement.

Commanded by the Creator, nature follows a strict order, in the absence of human interference. Every star orbits with precision in its celestial path, seasons follow seasons. But, we find it extremely impossible to adhere to orderliness. Our pursuit of advancements, developments, instants and shortcuts have squeezed out the time span required to create and build order.

Paul undertook three missionary journeys, carefully charting his course across the geography of Asia Minor, to various cities and towns – we see glimpses of these in Luke’s Acts, and in Paul’s own epistles.

Organisations undertake laborious measures to evolve strategies and chalk out objectives and goals.

One of the core behaviours that Collins observed in successful leaders is fanatic discipline – they continued at the same pace no matter what the conditions. They set goals and aggressively worked at it every year. Collins refers to this as the ‘20-mile march’, referencing the Arctic explorer who traveled 20 miles every day, no matter how harsh the weather was. ‘We see tremendous consistency in any truly great enterprise and the signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency’, remarks Collins, in his co-authored book 'GREAT BY CHOICE.'

While God works in the off-the-beaten-path, His creatives are energised by Who He is – the God of creativity and innovation. If we do what we have been doing, we will only get what we have always got. Creativity is finding a new course. God wants us to aspire for newness, coupled with a purposeful plan.

I have always planned my day, chalking out the potential tasks and overall priorities. But, there has never been a day when I have accomplished 100 per cent. Harvard Business research underscores the point: ‘A great day is when you accomplish 60-70 per cent of what you intend to get done’. This discipline of planning has helped me to organise better, obtain clarity, evaluate circumstances, and focus on recalibrating priorities.

Every time, I’m tempted to dismiss planning as irrelevant, I remind myself that energies for creativity are birthed in setting up an initial trajectory, and working in accordance with God’s will.

Father, help me to put my house in order amid all the confusion and chaos around me.

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Creativity and Innovation

Every person is a powerhouse of God’s creative design, functioning with incredible efficiency. There is no monotony, nothing mundane or routine in God’s creative activity. God wants us to aspire for newness, coupled with a purposeful plan. Joshua Amirtharaj explains how our choices can be pivotal to our development, leading us to make innovation and creativity a part of our work routine.
