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Revelation: A 28-Day Reading PlanПримерок

Revelation: A 28-Day Reading Plan

12 ДЕН ОД 28

Jesus is a good judge and righteous king

We have come to accept suffering, hunger, and pain as part of life. While they may not be the norm in your life, these problems are universal. It seems that if we are not in a season of suffering, we know someone who is.

Suffering shows up in the hopelessness of infertility, the chains of addiction, the pain of illness, or the heartache of divorce. Each of these agonies can consume our present and obscure our future.

But in Christ, we have a promise for more. When we’re suffering, we can take comfort in the fact that what we experience on earth is temporary. Our forever home is with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who will lead us there.

Although we desire an immediate fix, Romans 8:18 promises that the difficulty of our current situation is nothing compared to the goodness that is come.

In eternity, there will be no hunger, thirst, or pain. Jesus will wipe away all of our tears, and we will not suffer anymore (Revelation 7:17). When we view our lives from God’s perspective and through the lens of eternity, we can trust the best really is yet to come.

Regardless of where we find ourselves presently, Jesus is sitting on His throne. He is a fair judge and righteous king who reigns supreme always. He is our healer who brings restoration physically and spiritually. And, God, as our heavenly Father, loves us, giving us continual mercy and grace.


When the Lord separates those before Him as a shepherd separates his herd, on which side will you be?

Who do you know who needs the reassurance of eternity to battle their present struggle?

How does your view of your problems change when you see your life with a heavenly perspective?

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