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What's Your Golden Calf? Confronting IdolatryПримерок

What's Your Golden Calf? Confronting Idolatry

4 ДЕН ОД 4


As the Israelites put their trust in the human-made gods of the Ammonites, Moabites, and the Philistines to save them in times of trouble, they forsook God and became as blind and inhuman as the idols they worshiped. God became angry with them and said, "Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you are in trouble!" (Judges 10:14 NIV) 

Idols can't save us during times of turmoil, and they certainly can't set us free from our sins and the grip of eternal death. Going through life's difficulties and storms can likely bring us down if we go on our own strength. But if we invite God to go with us, He will protect us and save us. 

Modern temporal idols such as money, work, media, sex, drugs, or anything else we praise more than the one true God can't fulfill the everlasting promise given to us by Jesus Christ. God wants us to worship and glorify Him, our Creator, the One who made us, and the only One who can save us.

Was there ever a time in your life when you felt invincible and were confident that you didn't need help from anyone, especially not from God? Are you placing your trust in earthly things, clinging to them for hope, thinking that you don't need to be "saved?" If so, consider this: God was Israel's only Savior, and God is your only Savior. God alone can deliver you from sin and eternal death through belief in the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Thank God for the precious gift of salvation through His unmerited grace. Sing out with praise, gratitude, and joy! 

The Wiedmann Bible Team hopes that this plan has helped you identify and understand idolatry better. Remember these words from God, "Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 19:4 NIV) 

For more information about The Wiedmann Bible ART-Edition, please visit https://thewiedmannbible.com  

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