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Authentic Kingdom Culture - SubmissionПримерок

Authentic Kingdom Culture - Submission

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Jesus is the model for authentic submission!

We have looked at how Jesus submitted to the Father’s will which is a wonderful example for us to follow but as we come to the end of this study let us take a look at how Jesus submitted to people and circumstances that were below Him.

In Philippians 2:1-11 the writer highlights that we are to have the same mind that Jesus had. What mind did Jesus have? What was Jesus’ value system? The answer is in verses 3-8 (ESV):

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

What a God! What an example of humility! This is the core of submission: Not coveting authority but instead choosing to influence through selfless service. Jesus went low. First, He let go of His power and position as God and submitted to the powerlessness and lowliness of a created being. Then He went lower and humbled Himself by choosing not just a human form but a lowly one as a carpenter’s son born in a stable. Finally, as if that wasn’t enough, He went lower still, submitting to barbaric punishment and death under human authority for sins that He did not commit.

Often, we think submission is about never disagreeing with those in authority or never questioning the decisions or teachings of leaders. But those mentalities have little to do with Godly submission. Yes, sometimes we have to put up with things we don’t like or agree with but sometimes if we love someone, we must disagree with them and we certainly are not to follow anyone who contradicts God’s leading in our life. In fact, Jesus disagreed with the religious authorities regularly, had a bit of an attitude with His parents, and vociferously condemned the practices of the Jewish religious leaders. Yet, Jesus epitomized submission. That’s because submission is not about sycophantic obedience to people in power but about humble and genuine submission to God in service to all people. In fact, Colossians 3:22 actually admonishes bondservants NOT to be people-pleasers but to serve in the sincerity of heart! Sometimes God may call us to take a stand for the greater good of others and sometimes He may call us to humble ourselves in painful situations for a bigger prize that we may not even see clearly. In every circumstance, we are to submit our will to God's will.

Jesus submitted Himself completely to the Father’s will and humbled Himself under human authority. He gave up everything that He was entitled to and became the servant of all. That is why the Father exalted Him above every authority in heaven and on earth! True submission in the kingdom is never about using our authority to control or manipulate others. It is about choosing NOT to control or undermine others but instead to serve the best interests of others in love. In this Christ is glorified and in this is our great reward in Him!

Points to pray/journal:

· Do I see submission as a way to keep order in the family, church, and society or as a demonstration of God's love at work in me?


· I have the mind of Christ Jesus and therefore I pour out my life in total obedience to God and humble service of others. I look to Christ alone for my great reward!

We hope this plan encouraged you. Explore other resources from Matik Nicholls at www.authenticjoy.org

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Authentic Kingdom Culture - Submission

For many, the subject of submission is a painful one, and understandably so, as some have used submission as an excuse to abuse their power. However, Godly submission is actually the complete opposite! Godly submission is about humility, service, and love. Come discover the sacred joy of authentic submission as exemplified by Jesus Christ!
