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Effective PrayerПримерок

Effective Prayer

3 ДЕН ОД 9

Prayer of Jabez for Blessing and Respect

What caused Jabez to pray?

Jabez was tired of being called ‘sorrowful’. He grew up around people talking incessantly about the intense pain he caused his mother during his birth.

The man could no longer let himself be looked upon as one who brought sorrow. Hence, Jabez cried out and prayed for a change, for a new identity, and for respect.

How did Jabez pray?

He had a personal relationship: Jabez knew who to call in times of need – The God of Israel. Jabez was familiar with the God of Israel and His ability to change a situation because he enjoyed a personal relationship, a strong bond with Him.
He used a simple, yet well-defined prayer style: Jabez’s prayers were earnest and not aimless or misguided. His sole reason for prayer was to see a changed life that would no longer cause him any pain.
He knew the source of blessings, prosperity, guidance, and protection: Jabez knew that God was the source of his blessing and prosperity. If he had God, everything else would follow him. God’s guidance was critical to Jabez because he totally depended on God and not on his own strength. Jabez truly believed that God would protect him from any harm and pain, and that He would give him the peace that surpasses all trouble.

Did God answer Jabez? (1 Chronicles 4:9)
The outcome of Jabez’ prayer was that, from a label of ‘sorrowful’, he became more honorable than his brethren.

How can we pray like Jabez?

Say prayers in truth and honesty. Do not hesitate to ask God for ‘wants’. God is limitless. Our prayers should possess the large faith, which believes that His promise is to bless us.
Avoid vague or vain words; rather be specific and clear. An earnest and true prayer changes us from being dishonorable to honorable in our lifestyle. Our lives will then start to reflect the very nature of God.
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