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Five Business ParadoxesПримерок

Five Business Paradoxes

3 ДЕН ОД 5

Five Business Paradoxes – Part III

When I was young and climbing the corporate ladder, my mindset was focused on moving higher and higher so that more people served me. Then one day I had an experience that rocked my worldview!

The bank president for whom I was working asked all of the employees to pull their cars around back because he was going to wash their cars as an act of service to the staff. When I challenged his unconventional approach, my boss smiled knowingly as he reminded me that Jesus served His disciples when He humbly washed their feet. 

Jesus said in Luke 22:26, “The one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.”

The world says the leader should be served. God says a great leader serves others.

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